ISO 14001:2004 Compliance

14 OCTOBER, 2014

 Optical Fibre Systems Pty. Ltd. have been assessed and approved by QAS International for ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems.

This applies to the design, manufacture and supply of high quality optical fibre cables, high performance cable assemblies, termination enclosures, optical test and measurement equipment, optical fibre cable installation accessories and associated systems.

This original approval for this management system was the 1st October 2014.  The company now has achieved Standards compliance in the areas of Quality Assurance, Occupational Health & Safety as well as this recently awarded compliance in Environmental Management Systems.

Key Staff Profile

Don Rush

Managing Director

Don started working with optical fibre on a full time basis in 1988 when he was employed by a university to undertake research and provide services to establish techniques and methods of using optical fibre for communications. In 1990 he founded Optical Fibre Systems so he could provide equipment and a turn-key service to customers.

Qualifications: Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), P.Eng, MIEAUST, MIEEE, MIREE, MOSA

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