We work with a number of industry sectors and are happy to customise solutions to meet our client’s specific requirements. Our working relationship with the Power Supply sector extends to creating optical fibre products and consumables that provide unique services for their particular applications.
These exclusive products for the Power Supply industry include:
Optical Fibre Systems commitment to custom manufacturing specialist equipment for the Power Supply industry ensures they keep returning to achieve the best optical fibre solutions possible.
Don started working with optical fibre on a full time basis in 1988 when he was employed by a university to undertake research and provide services to establish techniques and methods of using optical fibre for communications. In 1990 he founded Optical Fibre Systems so he could provide equipment and a turn-key service to customers.
Qualifications: Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), P.Eng, MIEAUST, MIEEE, MIREE, MOSA
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